Maker Faire Eu @Rome 2017

With prof Federica Pascucci from university of Roma tre and Giovanni Galioto (ph.d. Student of the university of Palermo) and his advisor prof Ilenia Tinnirello and the effort of all the team of we spent the last three days at the Maker Faire in Rome. Our stand was located in the Robotic Aera ( organized by prof Bruno Siciliano) together with university of Pisa, Siena, Napoli, Bologna, ITT and Scuola sant’anna presenting most recents advanced results in the robotic field.

Arianna in the version that integrates cv algorithms with PDR was tested by thousands of people.

Big the appreciation and the compliments received by the many testers.

Students, researchers, common people, kids, couples from very young age ( the most skilled) to old scary grandfathers and nannies had the possibility of blindfolded walk along the path!!




